Why You Should Own Your Own Domain For Short Links

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Why You Should Own Your Own Domain For Short Links

Imagine a world where you have a thriving business and tons of marketing materials utilizing short links. Those links lead your customers all over the web: to your products, articles, posts, past events, affiliates, partners, etc.

Now imaigne that some random technology company goes bankrupt and is sold for pennies on the dollar.

Cool. Who cares.

You! All of that history just went poof! Why is that!?

Because this random technology company happened to be your short link provider. That means all of the QR codes you printed, short links you popped onto advertisements, and lots more were not really pointed to your content...

They were pointed at an intermediary! This tech company that made the magic happen.

So now your destiny is wrapped up in theirs! If they decide to point your links somewhere else, they can. That means your printed materials are now under their control.

And if the company's resources get sold off to some other company, your links could be scrapped (or worse, your users exploited)!

If you are building content that matters, you should use your own domain. It gives you control of the content you create and lets you future proof the resources that you are creating!


Now using a custom domain does add price to most tech company offerings. However, this shouldn't break the bank. And at Fizzly, it definitely doesn't!

We start domain pricing at $5/month. We commit to affordable domain pricing for the future. And we are open-sourcing the core of our link handler so that you can easily exit our platform and self-host yourself!


Disconnect from the interdependencies that put you at risk and connect to a network of creators who will partner with you to create success.

Retain the freedom to exit those partnerships at any time.

All it takes is a domain!